Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Who are my My Heros?

OK, I'll admit it: My parents. They seemed to always have enough time for my sister and I, careers, school and just about every civic organization in town.

I know they had rough spots but took up each other's slack when needed. I remember Dad coming home during tax season just long enough to tuck us in and then head back to the office. I remember powdered milk and handmade clothes. But we always had enough for scout camps and school trips. And somewhere along the line she picked up a Master's degree and they picked up Young Man and Woman of the year awards.

Mom claims they could only pull it off because babysitters were just 50 cents an hour. Somehow I think there is more to it than that.

Sunday, January 8, 2006


So the kids are singing the Augustus Gloop Song from the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory movie. Suddenly the older kids are correcting my 6-year-old. He can’t say "nincompoop." It’s coming out “NINJAPOOP!

I literally laughed out loud. This should be the breakout word for 2006: NINJAPOOP