Still, I wasn't working on spreadsheets and I wasn't stuck on the side of the road.
Merry Christmas!
A mediocre journal or web log, The Multimedia Okra Blog serves to store the ramblings of the author. Wheeee!!!
Still, I wasn't working on spreadsheets and I wasn't stuck on the side of the road.
Merry Christmas!
Our mission was to see Chistmas lights and the fireworks at Firewheel Mall. But the unintentionally neon-lit tree at Sonic was one of the best sights of the night.
OK, I forgot to wear socks to work!
I began Friday morning letting the doc take some of my blood. He likes to keep tabs on my thyroid, you know. Anyway, I knew I was swinging back by my apartment before finally heading to work, so why wear real shoes...
It wasn't until I hit woodall rogers that I realized I was still wearing sandals. Luckily, I have a fear of loosing digits and I always insist on closed-toed sandals. With socks, my feet looked professional enough for casual Friday.
Scout night at SMU Football! We spent Halftime and most of both the 2nd &3rd quarters in line for pizza and pretzels.
By the 4th quarter a pokemon game had broken out.
7 minutes to go. 27 27 tie game and I don't think the boys remember there is a game....
Tulane wins. The tie was up to 34 with just a few seconds left. The crowd was in the game and the boys were watching now. Tulane scored in their overtime procession and then recovered a SMU fumble to end the game. Dad, who had been relatively quiet stood up and cheered... clapping for the crowd. He could hold in his Tulane support no more.
We listened to LSU on the way home... I checked the score via-Treo from the stadium and LSU was behind. By the time we found the game on Sirius, LSU was ahead. And then they were behind and then they went ahead again with one second left.
While we were looking for the game, we tuned n WWL AM and thought we had the wrong station, until we realized we were listening to the Jindal acceptance speech.
All in all, I think it was pretty good night for Louisiana.
Paul with a shotgun!
So after our adventure at the Louisiana Wildlife Festival thing, I really had a hankering to go shoot some more clay pigeons.
So I borrowed a friend's 870 12 ga and Katrina escorted me out to the Alpine range. That is fun. I only wish, I lived in the country where I could justify the purchase of a manual trap and my own shotgun. But why bother? Here is Dallas, it will take you just as long to get out to someones farm as it will to get to the range. And you can shoot the heck out of a range-rented gun ($10 for gun rental, $15 for clays and range use) many times before you'd pay for your own.
Heck, for that matter, there is an indoor rifle and handgun range just up the road from me. Targetmaster offers a yearly membership. Of course, you'd have to shoot at least twice a month to break even on the gold-level membership.
Maybe shooting is a three or four times a year kinda thing.
This was the weekend (9/23) for the anual
Wildlife Festival at the Bodcau Army Corps o' Engr site.
The were plenty of critters to look at and a hill to sled down.
Great fun, but if you go, watch your step.
WOW, you should really buy some popcorn from your local Cub Scout or Boy Scout.
Imagine a cop stopping you on the street and asking you to run about 20' WITH your hands ON TOP of your head.
If you stumble (trip over the pants that are now around you ankles), you get thrown in the drunk tank!
But it was Patrick who really took to documenting the Court of Honor.
Follow the link to mediaokra for the product of his eye.
Neat... Nicely done... But an odd juxtaposition.
Make sure you look up!
We went to DC.
With stops, including Mass at St. Paul's Cathedral (Yea! MassTimes.ORG), it took 27 hours to get there.
Our site-seeing party included 5 adults and 8 kids. There was much potential for many problems. By day three, we had been threatened with heat stroke and lightning and deviations from the spreadsheet.
But day three also found us in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History ( The Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals (
past the Hope Diamond...
and the Tiffany Diamond...
and the The Carmen Lúcia Ruby,
somewhere near the giant beryl crystal. And I said:
All of these gems remind me of what is truly precious in this world and what a gift it is to find you. So to paraphrase our late Pope (John Paul II), will you do me the honor of joining me in the *gift* of matrimony?
Marriage is an act of will that signifies and involves a mutual gift, which unites the spouses and binds them to their eventual souls, with whom they make up a sole family - a domestic church. -- Pope John Paul II
Today we went to the National Museum of Natural History. We wore orange.
We saw an Arma'posum (or Pangoron?) and mummies and elephants and shiny things.
Ben liked the skeletons. But I think he expected them to move like zoo animals.
Paul held a cockroach.
A man with a M16 just told us to have "an exciting day..." but I was so looking forward to a nice sit down at Becca's.